Once you have 'Gantala' on the field, you can begin reviving your other 'Ice Barriers' that have fallen in battle or have been discarded by 'Strategist', most notably 'Defender of the Ice Barrier' to Synchro and block almost all attackers. 'Gantala' then sits in the Graveyard until revived by ' Prior of the Ice Barrier'.
The idea is to start with ' Strategist of the Ice Barrier', whose main objective is to discard 'General Gantala' to the Graveyard all while netting you a draw every time you discard. To quote from yugioh.wikia: ”The 'Ice Barrier' engine works in a circle.
Its goal is to generate and keep field advantage under the direction of the Ice Barrier Generals (mainly General Gantala of the Ice Barrier). This is perhaps the most widely known and used Ice Barrier Strategy.